How it works

How it works

You buy a minimum amount in cryptocurrencies
We rent these cryptocurrencies for a minimum period*
We will manage your cryptocurrencies and monthly we will pay you the rent of these cryptocurrencies

Want to make it even more simple? call us on WhatsApp!

Step by step

Step 1

Register at this link

Step 2

One of our Brokers will talk and explain better what we do.

Step 3

You choose which investment fits your profile.

Step 4

You send your data for registration at LP Capital.

Step 5

With your registration approved, we will provide the data for your first contribution to the work for you.

Step 6

You transfer your cryptocurrencies to LP Capital.

Step 7

LP confirms receipt and sends the lease agreement for its cryptocurrencies to

Step 8

You sign the contract

Step 9

Now just enjoy, we do all the work for you!

Step 10

Follow us on social media and stay on top of the best crypto asset manager in Brazil!

* Income will start from the signing of the contract.

Contact now

and get your financial peace of mind by investing in cryptocurrencies

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